Thursday, 11 July 2013

Learning Style: Felder and Solomon

Learning Style Results for Felder & Solomon’s Learning Style Quiz 

Here are my results after completing the Felder and Solomon Learning Style Quiz. 

I found completing this quiz very interesting and can definatley see how these learning preferences influence both my learning and teaching experiences. 

Here is my reflection.. let me know your thoughts 

Active and Reflective score: (1) Active spectrum

Balanced between Active and Reflective  indicates that as a learner I am proportionate in the understandings I gain through both active and learning experiences.

As a learner I need to continue to have this balanced proportion of actively engaging and reflecting on my learning experiences and understandings.

As a teacher I need to ensure that I develop this balance with my students that is actively engaged in learning and then reflect on the learning experience. I could do this through asking students to complete reflective homework tasks, assignments, written or digital journals or any means they wish as long as the component of reflection is utilized in the task.

Sensing and Intuitive score: (11) Sensing spectrum

I have a very strong sensing learning style. This is beneficial when experiencing and understanding logical and factual details. However, this can be very problematic as when faced with abstract and theoretical concepts and activities, I have a very minimal desire to participate actively in the lesson. 

This needs to be improved so I am able to develop my understanding into a more balanced and intuitive perspective. According to the research of Felder and Solomon, I can improve my intuitive ability through practical application and finding connections to reality. 

An example of this is recently in Learning Management 1, we learnt the Dimensions of Learning.  I struggled to grasp the concept of Dimension Five; Habits of Mind. However, I became aware that I have a tendency of ‘talking to myself’ whilst carrying out learning experiences. I was then able to make the connection of metacognition and the ‘think aloud’ strategy to my own reality of learning. I now understand why I talk to myself whilst undertaking a learning activity. In addition, I have a greater understanding of the concept of Habits of Mind as I can see how it is applied in a realistic setting.

As a teacher I need to adapt my strategies to implement a more balanced approach between sensing and intuitive learners. As I dominantly a sensing learner, naturally I will be more inclined to implement tasks that appeal to sensing learners. Therefore, I need to implement a balance of content and problem solving and discovery learning tasks into my lesson plans.

Visual and Verbal score: (5) Verbal spectrum

I have a slightly more dominant verbal learning preference therefore, I preferably learn through written, auditory and verbal communication.

As a learner I could improve my understanding through demonstrating my verbal explanations and discussions through creating visual aids. An example of a strategy I could implement would be to have an interactive, collaborative mind map. Whilst discussing and explaining my understanding and thoughts on the topic I could demonstrate my thoughts to myself and others in the form of a mind map to refer back to at a later date.

As a teacher I will need to incorporate the use of visual aids to assist in my explanations. Some tools I could use are mind maps, scaffolds, you tube, images, creative art, online interaction such as collaborative wikis so we can discuss and visualize. I could have the learners create visual aids whilst they listen to the given concepts. 

Sequential and Global score: (9) Sequential Spectrum

I am predominately a sequential learner and therefore preferably learn through linear and structured activities. I face difficulties with desultory approaches and tasks. To overcome this I can arrange the content and tasks in a logical and sequential order. In order to become more global I can attempt to consider the big picture or overall goal of the topic whilst completing individual components of the topic thus making connections continuously and consistently to the global perspective of the topic. 

As a teacher I will need to present the global perspective initially and throughout discussing the finer detail I will need to make connections to the overall concept being explored. 

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